Donations not appearing in the Donation Summary Report

If donation transactions ARE showing on the finance reports but NOT on the donation reports, there are two common issues:

(1) the wrong donor has been selected when bank matching - therefore, the transaction is included in the donation report, but not displaying with the donor name it should have (if this is the case, you just need to update the donor name)
(2) the transaction type has been set as 'income received' rather than 'donation received' when bank matching - donation reports only display donation transactions, not non-donation income (if this is the case, you will need to change the transaction type from 'Income (Other)' to 'Named Donation'.

In both cases, you will first need to find the transactions that need to be edited - either on the 'Income & Expenditure: Summary (by Fund)' report or on the 'Bank Reconciliation' screen, then click on the transaction to edit it.

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