Business card transactions are not appearing in the bank matching screen

ExpensePlus supports the use of 'Business Card Payments' whether they are debit cards attached to your organisation's current account, or separate credit card accounts.

Learn more here: How do Business Card Purchases work?

Where you are using a separate credit card account, either for a single or for multiple cardholders, we recommend setting this account up as its own bank account in the Bank, Cards & Petty Cash accounts setting screen.

When you enter Business Card Purchases, they will immediately appear in the bank matching screen in the right-hand table. 

If only one of your bank accounts is set up as either a 'Bank Account (with Debit cards)' or 'Credit Card Account', Business Card Purchases entered will automatically appear on the bank matching screen for that account. 

If you have more than one bank account set up as these account types, when entering Business Card Purchases users will be asked to select the bank account the card payment was from.

  • If Business Card Transactions are not appearing in the bank matching screen, then first check in the 'Bank Settings' Screen that your bank accounts are set up with the correct 'account type' (if not, the transaction being entered could be appearing on the bank matching screen for an account you weren't expecting them to).
  • If this is OK, the issue could be that the bank transaction you were expecting to appear on the Bank Matching screen could have either already been matched, or been cancelled. The best way to see this is by running a search on the 'Search Expenses' screen. If the transaction in question has a 'Matched ID' then it's already been matched (so won't appear). If the transaction has a 'Cancelled Date' then it's been cancelled.
  • If cardholders have not entered their business card purchases, they will not appear in the bank matching screen. Find out more about how to deal with Business Card Purchases that cardholders haven't entered.

To better understand the Bank Reconciliation module, please view the module overview video here.

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