Can I arrange the order of categories?

You CAN arrange category groups (these are blue lines within the Income & Expenditure (by Fund) Report, and that you will also see on the Income & Expenditure Category Settings screen).

To be able to manually adjust the order of category groups (blue lines) you need to go to 'Manage Settings' -> 'System Settings' and then click the 'edit settings' button. This will allow you to change the order of category groups from 'Sort by Name' to 'Sort by Position'. You will then see up/down arrows on the category settings screen that allow you to change the order category groups appear in your reports.

You can't change the order that categories that are within a category group. They will always be alphabetical. If you wish to order categories within a category group then you will need to do this by appending the category name with a letter or number e.g. 01 Room Hire, 02 Donations etc. but usually, this isn't necessary, it's just the category group order that organisations like to adjust and reports are more easily readable where the category order is left as alphabetical.

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