Which transactions can be bank matched together?

When reconciling transactions within the bank matching screen, the following logic is in place to help ensure that the correct transactions are reconciled together.

Transactions should generally only be matched one-to-one (with the exception of where a related payment for some reason has been split).

We recommend that recurring transactions (which have their own section) are 'Quick Matched' before reconciling other transactions.

Bank Matching a single bank transaction

Usually, when bank matching, you would select a single bank transaction waiting to be matched in the left-hand table.

If there is a corresponding match in the right-hand table, this will turn green and you can simply click the confirm button in the right-hand table next to the match or at the bottom of the page.

If you are using the expense and payments process in ExpensePlus and recording cash and cheque deposits then over 95% of transactions will match as described.

Where several potential matches exist (transactions with the same payment value), the system will highlight these in amber.

You then need to select the correct payment.

To better understand the Bank reconciliation functionality, please view the module overview video here.

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