Expense Claim Declarations

Within ExpensePlus you can require those submitting expense claims to complete a declaration statement whenever they submit expense claims.

The submitter simply has to select the checkbox to confirm they agree to the declaration statement when submitting an expense claim.

The wording of the declaration statement:

I confirm that this Expense Claim is accurate and incurred on the business of the charity.

Note: This is only for Expense Claims (not other purchase types).

Enabling Expense Claim Declarations

To enable Expense Claim Declarations you will need to update the system setting for this (by default it's disabled).

Go to Settings -> System Settings.

Click the edit button to the right of the 'Purchases' section on the System Settings screen.

In the popup that appears, update the setting to 'Required' to enable Expense Claim Declarations. Users will then have to agree to this when submitting expense claims.

Note: if a user enters an expense claim on behalf of someone else, they will need to complete the expense claim declaration. It's not recommended that users enter purchases on another person's behalf as it's more efficient for each person claiming expenses to have their own access to ExpensePlus.

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