How do I record purchases paid via PayPal?

If your organisation pays for purchases using PayPal, for example if you have an organisation business card set as your preferred payment method in PayPal, these purchases should be simply entered as 'Business Card Purchases'.

We'd recommend you set the 'supplier' as the supplier name, and upload a supplier receipt rather than a PayPal receipt.

When PayPal is used to pay for a purchase, no payment is required. If you use either of the two options below, this will avoid such payments appearing on the payments to make screen.

Note: if your organisation has a PayPal account which you also use to collect income, then we'd recommend you set up PayPal as a Payment Processor account within ExpensePlus - this helpguide article explains how.

If a person uses their own PayPal account to pay for purchases, and this needs to be reimbursed, these should be entered as 'Expense Claims'. Again, we'd recommend you set the 'supplier' as the supplier name, and to upload a supplier receipt, rather than a PayPal receipt.

Where payment is taken by PayPal via Direct Debit (rather than Business Card), you can use either of these two options:

1) Enter purchases using the 'Direct Debit' purchase submission option:

If this option doesn't appear on a user's purchases screen, then check that it is enabled in the system settings screen.

If it is enabled, but the user still can't see the option, you will need to update the submission options of that user in the user settings screen:

2) Enter purchases using the 'Business Card' purchase option:

If when you click on this option it has a 'select bank account' field but no bank accounts to select, you will need to update the 'card' field for the bank account your PayPal account is connected to. Select 'debit cards' within the Bank Settings screen (see below):

If you have done this, but a user still can't see the Business Card option, you will need to update the submission options for that user in the user settings screen.

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