How to add, edit and delete tasks

This help guide article covers how to add, edit and delete tasks within the task management module.

For an overview of the task management module, click here.

To find out about how to view and action outstanding tasks, click here.

Adding Tasks

To add a new task, just click the 'Add New task' button at the top of the screen.

Note: if you are adding recurring tasks e.g. monthly finance tasks, you are best to use the 'Generate Next Set of Tasks' - click here to view this help guide article about this.

When adding a task, you will need to enter:

Task Name - give the task a specific name

Task Date - choose the date which will be the deadline for the task

Visibility - tasks can be set to be private (in which case only you will see them). If left unchecked, tasks will be visible to others who have access to the task management module.

Top Tip: If you are part of a finance team, then finance-related tasks that you add should typically NOT be set to 'private', even if you are the person who will action the task.

Assignee (if the task is set to visible) - you need to select an assignee, which is the person who will action or take responsibility for the task.

Note: if you can't see the user you are wanting to assign the task to in the assignee list, this means that they haven't yet been given access to the Task Management module. To fix this, you will need to go to the user settings screen and add access to this module in their user role.

Task Link - if you click the 'link' checkbox, you will be able to link the task to the relevant module within ExpensePlus. For example, if the task is 'check receipts' you can link this to the receipts module, enabling the person doing the task to be taken directly to that screen when they click on the task. As well as linking to modules within ExpensePlus, you can also link to external websites as well.

Notes - in this field you can enter any notes - this is optional.

Editing a Task

To edit a task or to add a note, click the edit button to the right of the task. This option enables you to amend the date of a task or assign a task to another team member.

  • You can't assign a task to another user unless you added the task originally_ or_ you have the user role of 'Finance Team'.
  • You can't assign a private task to another member of the team (you need to make it not private, before re-assigning).

Deleting a Task

To delete a task, click the 'delete' button to the right of the task.

  • Deleted Tasks can't be restored (you will instead need to add a new task).
  • You can't delete a task unless you added the task originally_ or_ you have the user role of 'Finance Team'.
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