Reconsent to Open Banking Every 90 days

Connecting to Open Banking enables automated transaction feeds to ExpensePlus. This removes the need to upload transactions from a file.

It also provides an easy way to check that bank balances within ExpensePlus match your bank account.

This article covers the process and the need to reconsent to open banking every 90 days

  • If you are yet to set up open banking for your organisation click here
  • For further details about Open Banking click here

When is Reconsent needed?

Reconsent is needed every 90 days.

To find out how many days are remaining until reconsent is needed, within the Bank Settings screen, click the 'configure' button to the right of the bank provider

Then, within the info box in the popup that appears, you will be able to view the number of days remaining until reconsent will be needed.

Does the transaction feed stop if I don't re-consent every 90 days?

The answer to this question is Yes!

The rules which govern Open Banking require that you give your permission every 90 days. This needs to be done for each of the bank providers you have connected to.

Important: Until you re-consent, your automatic bank feeds for that provider will pause.

Good to know: When you re-consent, ExpensePlus will automatically import any transactions from the past 360 days that haven't been imported (so don't worry if there is gap between the 90 days expiring, and when you give consent).

How to know when Reconsent is needed

When reconsent is needed, an alert icon will appear within both versions of the dashboard screen...

And within the Bank Reconciliation screen...

How to re-consent

To re-consent, just click the 'configure' button within the bank settings screen

...or you can click on the 'Automated Feed' button within the Bank Reconciliation screen.

Then in the popup, click the 'consent' button and follow the instructions.

Note: The Open Banking re-consent process will require you to sign in to your bank again. This is the same as you were asked to do when you initially set up open banking for the provider.

Important: If your bank account is connected to open banking, but the automated transaction feed has stopped (because reconsent was needed), you don't need to manually upload transactions (when you re-consent, ExpensePlus will pick up where it left off, and automatically import all transactions since the last automated import).

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