Connect your Bank Accounts to Open Banking

This article covers how to add and connect bank accounts to open banking.

Learn about open banking and how it works in this Overview of Open Banking.

Connecting your bank account will provide you with:

  • Automated import of bank transactions, removing the need to upload transactions
  • Provide an easier way to keep track of recent financial activity within your bank accounts
  • Simplify the financial process flow making it easier to reconcile transactions in real time
  • View up-to-date account balances within ExpensePlus

Note: this feature is currently only available for UK churches, charities and community organisations.

Add Bank Accounts to ExpensePlus

Before connecting to Open Banking, you first need to add all of your bank accounts to ExpensePlus within the bank settings screen.

Note: If you are in the process of setting up ExpensePlus, you can find out more about the 5 simple setup steps.

Top Tip: If you don't add all of your bank accounts before connecting to Open Banking, will need to disconnect open banking for the banking provider, add the missing bank accounts, and then re-connect to open banking (so it's better to add all bank accounts before connecting!)

Notes about Connecting to Your Bank Provider

If you have bank accounts that can be connected to Open Banking, then you will be able to see this at the top of the Bank Reconciliation screen and the Bank Settings screen.

To connect to Open Banking, within the Bank Settings screen, click the 'connect' button to the right of the bank provider you wish to connect, then follow the steps in the section below.

Note: you will need user access to the bank settings screen and be able to sign in to online banking in order to connect to Open Banking.

Important: Not all bank accounts are covered by open banking. In most cases, this is because the banks themselves are yet to opt in to open banking.

All major banks are covered, along with many other smaller banks and financial institutions.

It is however not currently possible to connect to: CAF Bank, CCLA, Kingdom Bank, Metro Bank, The Charity Bank or Equals Card accounts.

For a full list of providers available, click here.

What if there isn't a connect button?

If the bank provider doesn't have a connect icon, then:

  1. check that the bank provider has been set correctly within the Bank Settings screen;
  2. check whether the bank provider is on the list of supported providers.

Note: If you use Virgin Money, you will need to ensure your account provider is set as 'Virgin Money' (not 'Virgin Money (previously Yorkshire Bank)'

Connecting to your Bank Provider

  1. Consent to access Bank Account Information (within ExpensePlus)

    To consent, select 'Agree & Continue' (if you are happy to do so)

  1. Confirm Bank Account Provider (within ExpensePlus)

    To confirm the account provider, click 'Continue'

  1. Consent to access Bank Account Information (within GoCardless)

    To consent, select 'Agree & Continue' (if you are happy to do so)

  1. Securely sign into your bank, and select the accounts to connect (with your bank provider)

    Select the bank accounts you wish to connect, then select 'Continue'

Note: the screens you will see will vary by banking provider for this step

Good to know: If you bank with Unity Bank, then you will need to use the 'Proceed as Guest' option when connecting to Open Banking

  1. Account Connection (within GoCardless)

Select 'Continue'

  1. Configure Open Banking (within ExpensePlus)

    At the bottom of the page, select 'Confirm'

Note: Once connected, ExpensePlus will determine which date you have previously imported transactions up until, and will import transactions from that date (as long as it's within the last 360 days).

Good to know: If you wish to revoke your consent, you can do so at any time. Within bank settings, select the 'configure' button to the right of the account provider, then select 'disconnect'.

Adding Additional Bank Accounts

Top Tip: We recommend adding all your bank accounts before connecting to Open Banking. Open Banking is set up per bank provider, so if you don't add all of your bank accounts before connecting, you will need to disconnect the provider and then restart the setup.

If you open a new bank account with your bank provider, then you will first need to add the bank account to ExpensePlus. Within the bank settings screen, click the Add Account button, and enter the details of the bank account.

Note: you will need to add the account number and sort code to connect the account within Open Banking.

If you already have Open Banking set up for the bank provider, then you will need to disconnect from Open Banking first. See the question directly below which covers how to do this.

Then, you will be able to reconnect to Open Banking.

To better understand the Bank Reconciliation module, please view the module overview video here.

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