Year End Accounts - Other Notes
This support article provides guidance on how to complete the 'other notes' section for Year End Accounts.
IMPORTANT: If you have any questions about completing any of the fields within this section, you will contact your Independent Examiner (whilst our support team is always happy to help with software-related questions, accounting questions need to go to your Independent Examiner).
Note: this is only applicable for churches and charities that create accounts on an Accruals basis
Volunteers (required field)
This field has the following default text, which can be customised:
The charity benefits greatly from the voluntary contributions of time and money. Please refer to the trustees' report for further detail about volunteer contributions in the organisation.
Independent Examination Fees (required field)
This field has the following default text, which needs customisation to include the cost of independent examination fees for both the current and prior financial years:
Fees payable to the independent examiner for independent examination were: £[amount] (fee payable in the prior year: [amount]).
Staff Costs (required field)
This field has the following default text, which needs customisation to include amounts and numbers of employees for the current and prior financial years:
The total staff costs and employee benefits for the reporting period are analysed as follows:
Gross wages and salaries: [amount], Employers NI costs [amount], Employers Pension costs [amount]
(prior year Gross wages and salaries: [amount], Employers NI costs [amount], Employers Pension costs [amount])
The average number of employees during the year was [number]
(the average number of employees during the prior year was [number])
No employees received salaries at a rate of more than £60,000 per annum.
Important: If any employees did receive salaries of more than £60,000 per year, then the final sentence of the default text will need to be removed, and the employee names and salaries of employees with salaries over £60,000 will need to be included.
Key Management Personnel (required field)
This field has the following default text, which needs customisation to include details of the key personnel, along with the total employment costs in both the current and prior financial years:
The charity considers its key management personnel to be [Insert text here]. The total employee benefits received by the key management personnel (including employer national insurance and pension contributions) was [amount] (total employee benefits for the prior year were: [amount]).
Trustee Remuneration (Required Field)
This field has the following default text, which needs customisation to include how many trustees received remuneration, and for any trustees that this applies to, the amount of remuneration received in both the current and prior financial years:
During the year [number] trustees received remuneration. The remuneration paid during the year was for the employees' role within the charity and not for their role as a trustee.
The total remuneration paid during the year is as follows: [trustee name] [amount], [trustee name] [amount], [trustee name] [amount]
(amounts from the prior year were: [trustee name] [amount], [trustee name] [amount], [trustee name] [amount])
Note: if no trustees received remuneration, then the default text can simply be replaced with "None of the trustees have been paid any remuneration or received any other benefits from employment with the charity or a related entity."
Trustee Expenses (Required Field)
This field has the following default text, which needs customisation to include the total expenses trustees collectively were paid in both the current and prior financial years:
During the year the [number] of trustees incurred out-of-pocket expenses totalling [amount].
(prior year [number] trustees incurred out-of-pocket expenses totalling [amount])
All expenses were incurred for the day-to-day running of the charity's activities.
Top Tip: The Seach All Purchases report provides an easy way to find expenses and mileage claims paid to each trustee
Trustee Donations (Required Field)
This field has the following default text, which needs customisation to include the total donations trustees collectively donated both the current and prior financial years:
During the year the total aggregated donations made to the charity by the trustees was [amount]. There were no conditions attached to the donations. (total aggregate donations from prior year were [amount])
Top Tip: Donor Tags provide an easy way to tag donors who are 'trustees'. This will enable you to filter by the trustee donor tag within this report to find the total donations in the financial year you require.
IMPORTANT: Where the donations given include donations that have conditions, the sentence relating to this needs to be removed, and further details about the conditions and restrictions on the donations given need adding.
To learn how to create your Year End Accounts using the template in ExpensePlus, please see:
To find answers to other Frequently Asked Questions relating to Year End Accounts check out this help guide article.