What are donor tags?

Donor Tags are a brilliant way of creating donor groups. You can use these as a filter within donation reports and within the manage donors screen

An example

For example, you may have donors that donate to your church, and other donors who donate to your foodbank. Donor tags will allow you to assign the following tags:

  • a tag of 'church' to the donors who give to your church
  • a tag of 'foodbank' to those who give to your foodbank
  • both tags to the donors who donate to both.

In addition, you might wish to identify large donors with a donor tag of 'key donor' which you assign to these donors. 

Using donor tags will enable you to filter by these tags within your donation reports - keep reading to find out more!

Setting Up Donor Tags

To get started, you first need to create Donor Tags. Click the 'cog' icon at the top right of the manage donor screen to get to the donor setting screen.

Within the donor settings screen, select the 'Donor Tags' view, and then add the donor tags you wish to set up.

Assigning Donor Tags to Donors

Donor Tags are assigned within the add/edit donor screen within the Manage Donors Screen.

Click the 'apply tags' button at the top of the screen.

Then, within the apply donor tags screen, select the donors you wish to tag with each tag. You can assign multiple tags to a donor.

Filtering by Donor Tags within Donation Reports

Setting up donor tags will enable you to filter particular groups of donors within your donation reports and within the manage donors screen.

The donor tags popup has a number of different ways you can filter donors

  • No Filter (include all donors) - this removes any donor tag filters, to show all donors (whether they have a tag or not)
  • Donors with any of the selected Donor Tags - this is an 'or' filter, for example, you might wish to filter donors with the tag of 'Church' OR 'Foodbank' (any church or foodbank donors)
  • Donors with all of the selected Donor Tags  - this is an 'and' filter, for example, you might wish to filter donors with the tag of 'Church' AND 'Key Donor' (just for the the key church donors)
  • Donors without any of the selected Donor Tags - this allows you to exclude donors with a particular donor tag

Note: you need to select the type of filter first. Then the options to select different donor tags will appear.

Deactivating & Deleting Donor Tags

If you wish to deactivate or delete a donor tag, click the 'cog' icon at the top right of the manage donor screen to get to the donor setting screen.

Within the donor settings screen, select the 'Donor Tags' view:

  • Click the 'deactivate' button to the right of a donor tag if you want to hide the donor tag. Deactivated donor tags can be viewed using the button on this screen and re-activated at a later date.

  • Click the 'delete' button to the right of a donor tag if you want to permanently delete the donor tag. Deleted tags cannot be re-activated.

To better understand the Manage Donors module, please view the module overview here.

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