Can I undo / delete a Gift Aid claim that I've made?
You can delete claims in progress
You can view Gift Aid claims in progress on the Gift Aid screen.
These are claims that have not been submitted to HMRC.
To the right of any claims in progress, you will see a 'submit' button and a 'delete' button.
When you click the delete button, it will return all donations that are part of this claim to be eligible for a future claim.
Note: you cannot edit Gift Aid claims you have created. Instead, you should delete the 'claim in progress' and create a new claim.
Completed and submitted claims
You can view completed Gift Aid claims here on the Gift Aid screen.
Gift Aid claims submitted directly to HMRC from within ExpensePlus cannot be undone or deleted. Instead, you should submit a Gift Aid adjustment to the next claim that you make.
Manual Gift Aid claims
You can view completed Gift Aid claims here on the Gift Aid screen.
If you clicked in ExpensePlus that you manually submitted a Gift Aid claim to the HMRC portal, but you have not yet submitted the claim to HMRC, then you can 'undo' the claim by clicking the circle to the right of the claim. This will move the claim back to 'claims in progress'.
Warning: If you have submitted a manual Gift Aid claim to HMRC by uploading it to the HMRC portal then you should not try to edit the Gift Aid claim in ExpensePlus. Instead, you should submit a Gift Aid adjustment to the next claim that you make.