Can I undo / delete a Gift Aid claim that I've made?

If you have created a Gift Aid claim manually in ExpensePlus (rather than submitted directly to HMRC), but have not yet submitted this via the HMRC portal, you have the option to undo and edit the claim in ExpensePlus.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have already submitted a Gift Aid claim to HMRC (either by uploading it to the HMRC portal OR submitting it directly to HMRC from within ExpensePlus then you should NOT try to edit the Gift Aid claim in ExpensePlus, but instead submit a Gift Aid adjustment to the next claim that you make.

To the right of any completed claims, where the status is 'Claimed via HMRC Portal' you will see an 'undo' button that when clicked, will move the claim back to 'claims in progress'. It's really important you don't do this if a claim has already been submitted, as you could end up submitting a duplicate claim.

To the right of any claims in progress, where the status is 'Created (not submitted)' you will see a 'delete' button that when clicked will delete the claim which will return all donations part of this claim to be eligible to join a future claim that you create. It's really important you don't do this if a claim has already been submitted, as it risks you claiming on the same donations a second time.

Gift Aid claims submitted directly to HMRC from within ExpensePlus cannot be undone (instead you should submit a Gift Aid adjustment to the next claim that you make).

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