Expenditure Category Transfers

Uses of Expenditure Category Transfers

  • Your charity or church may have decided to allocate or 'ring-fence' a specified portion of your expenditure each month for a specified purpose. For example, 10% of your expenditure budget is to be covered by your building fund, or perhaps your reserves fund.
  • You might have a project or event that sits inside a separate fund that you have agreed to subsidise with money from another fund.
  • These are examples of when you need to cross-charge expenditure.

Where any of these are the case, you can use the 'transfer between categories' feature within the Adjustments Screen which will allow you to record this transfer from your general fund, into each of the appropriate categories within your designated (or restricted) funds. 

Note: it's not possible to record this as an expenditure transfer out of one fund into the other fund as income, as this would result in your annual income and expenditure both being over-inflated in your year-end accounts.

Split a transaction across multiple funds or categories

If you want to cross-charge expenditure, instead of adding a transfer between expenditure categories, it may be simpler to split a transaction across multiple funds or categories.

In the example below, a single expense transaction can be split across multiple categories and funds, dividing up a wholesale catering invoice for 3 different purposes.

Even if this split is not completed at the point of purchase, you can retrospectively edit the transaction (from the Purchases screen) to create the 'split', so long as the total purchase value (across all funds/categories) still matches the value which was originally entered.

Cross-Charging through the Adjustments module

Alternatively, if you want to apportion income or expenditure from one category to one or more others, you can do this within the Adjustments screen--> Category Transfers.

By using the Expenditure Category Transfers button, the example below illustrates how the same split (above) can be achieved as a 'cross-charge'.

If desired, you can do this incrementally for specific amounts or transactions, or less frequently with greater sums. 

To help you better understand the Adjustments module as a whole, please visit the module overview page here.

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