What are donor references?

Donor references are a unique way to identify donors. They are also sometimes used to anonymise donors.

An example

For example, a church which still has cash offerings may use a numbered envelopes with with donor references to enable donors to identify themselves. Then only the person with the list of reference numbers can identify the donor.

Within ExpensePlus, whether you use donor references or not, 'donor reference' is a required field. ExpensePlus will automatically generate donor references for new donors (which you can update).

Donor references can be just a number or can contain a specified prefix as well.

Donor names can be hidden or made visible per user.

Important: It's not possible to hide donor names in the following places


  • Finance Report: All Transactions (by Match)
  • Finance Report: All Transactions (by Account)
  • Donations Report: Generate Donor Statements
  • Donations Report: Donor Mail Merge Data


  • Bank Reconciliation
  • Petty Cash (if any named petty cash donations are recorded)
  • ChurchSuite Export

Most users shouldn't have been given access to these reports & modules within their user role!

Note: If a user has the role of 'Finance Team' or 'Independent Examiner' they will automatically see donor names (as this is a requirement of both of these roles by default). Consider assigning the user a different user role if you don't want them to be able to view donor names.

Adding a donor reference

You can view and manage donor references within the Manage Donors screen

To edit a donor's reference number, just click on the donor you want to edit.

Note: You can also import donor references as part of the donor import process.

Hiding Donor Names

Within User Settings, you can specify whether donor names are visible or hidden for each user.

By default, donor names are hidden.

You can enable a user to view donor names within any report or module they have access to. Typically, most users won't have access to the screen where donor names appear anyway.

Where donor names are hidden, donor reference numbers will be shown instead.

Donor reference prefixes

If your organisation uses donor prefixes, then you can add these within the manage donor screen.

Click the 'settings' option within this screen, then select the 'references prefixes' view.

Click 'add reference prefix' to add new prefixes.

Note: when you add the first prefix, all existing donors will be assigned this prefix (but when further prefixes are added, you will then be able to update the prefix a donor has been assigned with).

To better understand the Manage Donors module, please view the module overview here.

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