How to exclude a donation when creating a Gift Aid claim

By default, when you create a Gift Aid claim in ExpensePlus, the system will include all eligible donations.

Find out more here: Which donations are included in Gift Aid claims?

When you create a claim, you can exclude or remove donations that you don't want to form part of the claim in the following ways:

a) Claim up to a particular date

This allows donations after this date to be included in a future claim.

Select the radial for this and select a date.

b) Exclude a donation from the claim

This allows the donation to be included in future claims

Uncheck the box to the left of the donation

c) Permanently exclude a donation

This donation won't then appear in this or any future claims

Click the 'x' button to the right of the screen.

Example: You might do this if the donor has a valid Gift Aid declaration, but they have informed you they don't pay sufficient tax to claim on a particular donation e.g. a large gift.


What if a donor can no longer claim Gift Aid?

If the reason you want to exclude donation (s) is because the donor can no longer claim Gift Aid, then you should:

  • go to the manage donor screen
  • select the 'Gift Aid Declaration' tab
  • select the donor
  • set an end date for the donor's active Gift Aid declaration(s) based on the date up until the donor can claim Gift Aid (typically the end of a tax year).

What if donations appear that have already been claimed outside of ExpensePlus?

ExpensePlus automatically knows to exclude donations collected via payment processors such as Stewardship, Parish Giving Scheme, GiveALittle, CAF, etc. who claim Gift Aid on your behalf. If any such donations appear in the Gift Aid claim screen, this means the 'donation method' for those donations has been set incorrectly and needs to be updated. 

To update the donation method of a donation, you will need to find it and update it (don't forget to update the memorised transactions too, if there is one).

What if donations appear where the fund is not eligible for Gift Aid?

ExpensePlus automatically excludes donations that are allocated to a fund where the Gift Aid status of that fund has been set to 'not eligible'.

If such donations appear in the Gift Aid claim screen, then they have either been allocated to the wrong fund OR the fund has the wrong Gift Aid Status.

To update the Gift Aid Status of a fund, go to Fund Settings and then click on the fund you wish to update.

What if I wrongly permanently exclude a donation?

If you make a mistake and wrongly permanently exclude a donation as being eligible for Gift Aid, you can correct this:

  • Go to the Gift Aid home screen
  • select 'View Manually Excluded Donations' at the top of the screen

  • Click the 'update' button to the right of the donation you want to stop excluding
  • In the confirmation popup that appears, select 'confirm'

To better understand the Gift Aid module, please view the module overview video here.

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