How to Quick Match Income
ExpensePlus can remember recurring transactions previously matched within the Bank Reconciliation screen, enabling you to quick-match them in subsequent months.
When an income or expenditure transaction is matched for the first time, you have the option to 'Remember the transaction' for future matching (black box below), and to edit and shorten the remembered transaction description if appropriate. This is necessary where the sending bank has appended the payment reference with a date-specific (or another unique) payment reference. Removing this will allow ExpensePlus to remember the transaction in subsequent months even when the bank appends future transactions in a different way.
As you use ExpensePlus more and more, an increasing number of transactions will be remembered. Therefore, it should become part of your regular workflow, having just imported a statement into ExpensePlus, to first select the Quick Match Income & Quick Match Payments options in the bank matching screen, before working your way through the statement line by line. This will allow you to quickly reconcile tens or hundreds of transactions in bulk, saving you valuable time.
After selecting one of the quick match buttons above, you will be given the opportunity to review the transactions, and remove any from the list (by unticking them manually) before completing the bulk process.
If you need to permanently edit or remove a remembered transaction reference, you can do this by clicking the 'Manage Remembered Transactions' button on the right-hand side of the screen.
To better understand the Bank Reconciliation functionality, please watch the module overview video here.