How do I update a transaction / move it to a different category?

Typically you won't need to unmatch a transaction to edit it; if you have the correct permissions to view a transaction, you can simply click on it to edit.

The main exception to this is if you have selected the wrong 'transaction type' (e.g. you have recorded money in as income when it needed to be recorded as a supplier refund). In this scenario, you will need to un-match the transaction to then rematch it correctly.

How to update a transaction and/or move it to a different category

1. Find the transaction you wish to update in the purchases, payments, bank reconciliation or bank statement screen.

2. Click on the transaction to update it.

How to find a transaction

Here are some of the most common ways to find a transaction:

A. Income & Expenditure (by Category) report - great for when you know which fund/category a transaction has been against.

From the Financial Reports screen, click on the Income & Expenditure (by Category) report, select the financial year, month, fund, and category at the top of the report to view the transactions for, then click on the transaction you wish to view/edit.

B. View Bank Statement screen - great for when you know which bank statement a transaction appears in.

From the Bank Reconciliation screen, select the month, then click View Statement next to the bank account in question, then click on the transaction you wish to view/edit.

Note: This option isn't possible if the transaction in question hasn't been bank matched.

C. Search Transactions - great for searching for either an amount or a keyword.

From any screen, click the 'search' icon in the very top right section of the screen

Note: If the transaction in question isn't yet matched, click the search purchases link at the bottom of the search transactions popup that appears.

Bulk moving transactions

If you want to move multiple transactions from one category to another, this can be done quickly and efficiently from within the Income & Expenditure (by Category) report.

From the Financial Reports screen, click on the Income & Expenditure (by Category) report, select the financial year, fund, and category at the top of the report to view the transactions for the fund and category you require.

Select the transactions you wish to move, then click Move Selected Transactions.

To better understand the Bank Reconciliation module, please view the module overview video here.

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