Why does each user need their own email address?

There are a few practical reasons why users shouldn't share email addresses to log in to ExpensePlus (or indeed any other system!).

There are also some governance-related reasons you might not have thought of either.

Top Tip: Don't forget there are no additional charges for extra users in ExpensePlus - the system is built with the whole team in mind, and it works best when everyone has their own access to the system to perform the function(s) they need to.

Here are some reasons why you should have separate logins for separate users.

1. One password for one person

It's a basic pillar of cyber security that where possible, passwords shouldn't be shared.

2. Different users have different permissions

It's rare for two users of ExpensePlus to have identical permissions. Whilst they might perform similar roles, they might need access to different funds/categories. Or even if they work in the same area of charity activity/church ministry, one person may need enhanced privileges, for example to approve expenses as well as submit them.

  1. Different users have different preferences

Various preferences in ExpensePlus are set per user, including the monochrome theme, and which dashboard shows (if they have appropriate permission).

4. Keeping audit trails

ExpensePlus records various information about user activity, including displaying who checked receipts, approved purchases, and authorised payments. This is only helpful information if each user account is only used by a single person. By sharing user accounts, your organisation is compromising on proper accountability and good financial governance.

5. Identification to other users

As well as good governance and accountability, having properly identifiable users can help communication to colleagues. Someone who submitted a purchase knowing "office team user" checked their receipt is far less useful than having a properly named colleague to talk to in case of issues.

6. Allocating ExpensePlus purchases to business card holders

ExpensePlus allows you to assign business card purchases to users so they can attach their receipts. On the assumption that your organisation's business cards are only used by one person each (which is typically a requirement of holding a bank card), these cardholders need separate user accounts in ExpensePlus to properly use this functionality.

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