How do I set up a new User?

ExpensePlus allows you to create a user for any and all team members, volunteers, trustees, and other users that you wish. We believe that financial management in a charity or church context is a 'team sport' and it works best with delegated permissions, access, and accountability.

To create a new user, go to the User Settings screen via the Settings option at the bottom of the side menu. Then click the 'Add New' button.

The system will then guide you through a simple process to create the user. Please note the following:

  • A user role can be specified from one of the user role profiles. The role affects the permissions and visibility options for the user. If there isn't an appropriate existing user role profile, you can choose to create another.
  • Spouse/Relation notifies the system of a connected party to the user, and disables their ability to approve purchase requests on behalf of that user. 
  • All users need at least one Purchase Option ticked to be created. A standard purchase option allows them to perform this function for themselves only. A Privileged function allows them to enter purchases on behalf of another Payee/Recipient. 
  • Similarly, you will need to give a user access to at least one fund, then subsequently clicking the 'View Edit' Category Access button to customise which categories within the fund the user can submit to, or view.
  • By leaving the 'Send Welcome Email' tickbox selected at the bottom of the page, the user will receive an email welcoming them to ExpensePlus, to the email address selected at the beginning of this process.

Please check before adding a new user whether you actually may want to reactive a prior user.


1. Why can't I set up a new user?

Assuming that the system won't allow you to click 'confirm' to set up a new user, the issue is likely to be one of the following from the user's role:

  • The user has 'purchases' access, but you haven't given the user any expenditure categories to submit purchases against.
  • The user has reporting access, but again, you haven't given this user any categories to view.
  • The user doesn't have a valid email address.
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