How do I split a single donation to multiple income categories?

There are currently two ways to handle an income transaction from a donor that needs to be split between two or more categories. This is useful when a donor restricts or designates this donation for two specific purposes but provides the donation as a single transfer.

Method 1:

On the bank matching screen, you match such donations as 'Named Donation' to one of the funds/categories (as if it didn't need splitting). This way they will get auto-remembered for future months, making bank matching super quick. 

Then, once you've finished bank matching each month, you can simply go to the Manage Donor Screen, click on any donors that need their donation split, and in the 'recent donations' section click on the donation that needs to be split, and simply split it there.

Method 2:

Alternatively, when bank matching, you can click the Mixed Income option in the popup and split the donation at this point.

Note: It's not possible to remember Mixed Income transactions for quick matching.

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