There are approvals I can't authorise, why is this?

Primary approver

If you are a primary approver for an expenditure category or a user with a role that permits 'approvals on other's behalf', you can approve purchases when the following scenarios apply:

  • In the top table of the approvals screen, when someone has submitted a purchase to a category where you are the primary approver;
  • In the bottom table of the approvals screen, when someone has submitted a purchase to a category where you are not the primary approver.

Backup approver

If you are a backup category approver for an expenditure category, you will be able to approve transactions when the primary approver (or their spouse) has submitted a purchase to their own category. Since the system won't permit them to approve their own transaction, it will default to you.

You are not permitted to approve purchases that you have submitted or, if you have a spouse listed in the system, that your spouse has submitted. 

If you can't find a transaction to approve that you are expecting, please read this help guide article.

To help you better understand the Approvals module as a whole, please visit the module overview page here.

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