The category I need isn't in the drop-down list
When entering purchases, if the fund or category you require isn't in the dropdown list then it's highly likely one of the following has occurred:
1. The category hasn't been created - if you are a member of the finance team, you will be able to add this in the category settings screen.
2. The category has been created, but you don't have access to this - you will need to request this from a finance team member.
3. The category has been created, but only in the current financial year, and the transaction you are trying to add/edit is in the previous financial year - if you are a finance team member you will need to also add the category to the previous financial year, which you can do in the category settings screen by changing the year dropdown at the top of the screen.
4. The category has been created, but incorrectly as an income category rather than an expenditure category - if you are a finance team member you can just delete it and re-add it correctly in the category settings screen.
5. The category has been created, but it's been incorrectly set up under the wrong fund - if you are a finance team member, just delete the category in the category settings screen, change the fund using the dropdown menu at the top, and re-add it under the correct fund.