How can I see the new donors that have recently started giving?
The New Donors to Contact report (within Donation Reports) is a great place to view all donors who have recently started giving to your organisation.
This report provides details of:
- the first donation given
- information about any further gifts
- whether they have an active Gift Aid declaration.
You may wish to use this screen to keep track of new donors to thank them and to follow up to request Gift Aid forms form.
Donors who you still need to follow up are automatically shown with the 'New Donor Follow Up' status as 'pending'. Once you have contacted a donor, tick the box to update this to 'complete'
By default, the New Donors to Contact Report shows recent new givers (last 3 months) but you can choose a custom date range if you wish.
This report automatically hides donors where the follow-up status is set to complete.
You can unhide them using the checkbox at the top of the screen. You can also filter by Donor Tag and by Donation method.
To better understand the Manage Donors module, please view the module overview here.