How can I split a payment that is showing on the payments screen?

ExpensePlus automatically combines purchases that are for the same payee together into one payment.

This has a number of benefits:

  • It helps reduce the number of payments that need to be made.
  • It saves the person submitting expenses from having to manually add up receipt amounts.
  • It saves the person making the payments from having to manually add up purchase amounts.

Learn more about combining payments here.

Common reasons to split a payment showing on the payments screen

  1. You wish to make payments from multiple bank accounts

Where you wish to make payments from multiple different bank accounts e.g. based on the fund each purchase relates to, in System Settings you should set 'cross fund payment grouping' to 'disabled'.

This will prevent the grouping of payments for payees where the fund for different expenses is different.

Learn more here: What is Cross-Fund Payment Grouping?

Note: Having separate bank accounts for each fund is not necessary from a fund accounting perspective. Read this blog article to learn more: Should restricted funds be in a separate bank account?

  1. You are trying to process payments that have already happened through the expense and payments process in ExpensePlus

The expenses and payments process flow in ExpensePlus is designed to be used in real-time, with ExpensePlus helpfully grouping payments that need to be paid to the same payee together.

This process flow is not designed to be used retrospectively.

If you are either:

  • making payments outside of the expense and payments process flow, or
  • you are starting to use ExpensePlus mid-financial year and trying to retrospectively add transactions

Then you need to add expenditure transactions from within the match transactions screen. Don't try to process purchases retrospectively through the expense and payments process flow.

If you do try to process purchases that have already been paid via the expense and payments process flow, then ExpensePlus will group purchases into a single payment group as it's designed to do when the process is correctly used in real-time.

Note: if you are trying to retrospectively import and reconcile transactions, see this separate help guide article which covers how to do this.

Top tip: We highly recommend you use the expenses and payments process in ExpensePlus. If you only make payments when they are showing as ready to be paid on the payments screen this will:

  • save you time;
  • make processing of purchases simpler;
  • avoid the risk of making duplicate payments.
  1. A payment was mistakenly not marked as paid

Payments should be made based on payments that are showing as ready to be paid on the payments screen. Upon making a payment it's important to mark a payment as paid straight away, otherwise, you risk:

  • a payment that has been paid being accidentally paid again (duplicate payment);
  • further purchases joining the payment group that weren't part of the payment that has been made.

How do I split a payment?

This is where multiple payments have already been made but ExpensePlus doesn't know this and is grouping these as one payment to be made.

For both scenario 2 and scenario 3 above, this workaround below will enable you to split a payment group into separate groups:

  1. If the payment is marked as paid, within the match transactions screen, click the edit button to the right of the payment on the right-hand table, and in the popup that appears select the 'unmark as paid' option to send the payment back to the payments screen.

Note: if the payment doesn't have an edit button to the right of it, first refresh the screen to unselect all bank transactions selected on the left-hand table.

  1. On the payments screen, click on the first purchase that is part of the payment group you are trying to split that wasn't part of the first payment made to the payee. Temporarily update the payee name to someone else. Repeat this for all other purchases for the payee that were also not part of the first payment group.
  2. When the payment group matches the payment that was made, then mark it as paid and on the match transactions screen match this against the outgoing bank transaction.
  3. Back on the payments screen, change the payee name for the transactions where it was temporarily changed back to the real payee name in order to form the second payment that was made. Once the payment amount matches what was actually paid, mark this as paid and then within the match transactions screen match it to the corresponding bank transaction.
  4. Repeat this process until all payment groups are formed and marked as paid to match the payments that were made to the payee.

Top Tip: Remember, this workaround is only needed, because either:

  • you are starting to use ExpensePlus mid-year - in this case, see this help guide article about importing data; or
  • you have been making payments outside of the expense and payments process flow, and are now trying to retrospectively enter and mark payments as paid that have previously been paid (which we don't recommend).

To help you better understand the Payments module as a whole, please visit the module overview page here.

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