How can I split a payment that is showing on the payments screen?
ExpensePlus automatically combines purchases that are for the same payee together into one payment.
This has a number of benefits:
- It helps reduce the number of payments that need to be made.
- It saves the person submitting expenses from having to manually add up receipt amounts.
- It saves the person making the payments from having to manually add up purchase amounts.
Learn more about combining payments here.
Splitting a purchase
- On the payments screen, click the tick to the right of the payment group as if marking the purchase as paid.
- You will then get a popup where you can untick any purchases that you do not want to pay in this payment.
Note: if you are trying to retrospectively import and reconcile transactions, see this separate help guide article which covers how to do this.
Top tip: We highly recommend you use the expenses and payments process in ExpensePlus. If you only make payments when they are showing as ready to be paid on the payments screen this will:
- save you time;
- make processing of purchases simpler;
- avoid the risk of making duplicate payments.
Making payments from multiple bank accounts
Where you wish to make payments from multiple different bank accounts e.g. based on the fund each purchase relates to, in System Settings you should set 'cross fund payment grouping' to 'disabled'.
This will prevent the grouping of payments for payees where the fund for different expenses is different.
Learn more here: What is Cross-Fund Payment Grouping?
Note: Having separate bank accounts for each fund is not necessary from a fund accounting perspective. Read this blog article to learn more: Should restricted funds be in a separate bank account?
To help you better understand the Payments module as a whole, please visit the module overview page here.