Why have I received a New Device Detected email?

To protect your account ExpensePlus sends you a notification if your account is signed in to from a new device or browser. This doesn’t necessarily mean your account has been compromised.

For example:

  • It could be a new device, or
  • It's been a while since you last signed in on that device, or
  • You may have cleared your browser cookies or cache since your last sign-in

I didn’t sign in from the location in the email

The location we provide is approximate and might not show your exact location. This is common if you're using a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet. Factors that might impact your reported location include where the IP address is registered, where the ISP that controls the IP is located, proxies etc.

The email also contains information referring to the operating system (OS) on your device and not the type of phone or tablet you are using. For example, “MobileWeb 12.1.1 on iPhone OS 12”, doesn’t mean that your account was signed in to from an iPhone 12, but refers to the operating system that is running on the device.

I didn't sign in to my ExpensePlus account on the date/time shown

If you’re sure that you didn’t sign in to your ExpensePlus account at that time, reset your password either by clicking the link in the email, or go to the usual ExpensePlus sign-in screen, and follow the forgotten password instructions to reset your password.

We'd also recommend that you consider enabling multi-factor authentication for your account:

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