Why am I unable to view Purchase details for an approval request?
By default, ExpensePlus will ask you to approve purchase requests for expenditure categories where you are the Primary Approver. Where this is the case, the system by default will grant you permission to review the transactions for this expenditure category. As it is 'your' category you are allowed to view it!
If you have the User role of 'Finance Team' you can approve purchase requests on behalf of others as well, and again this role of 'Finance Team' will provide system-wide visibility and category access.
Therefore, if when trying to click into a purchase request to drill down into the detail, you are presented with the screenshot below, the following example scenario will be applicable.
Your custom user role may have been granted permission to 'Approve Expenditure - On other's behalf' in the Manage User Roles screen but without the visibility of the Expenditure category being granted.
Category visibility is only system-wide for users with the Finance Team role. Otherwise, this needs to be specified in the User Setting screen for each user.
In the example below, even where a user's role permits them to approve expenditure to the Boiler Maintenance account, on behalf of that category's primary approver, they still wouldn't be able to view the details of this transaction.
You need to check the box labelled 'Transactional Level' for the Boiler Maintenance category to remedy this.
To help you better understand the Approvals module as a whole, please visit the module overview page here.