How much can I customise user access?

In addition to being able to restrict a user's access to each module and report, within the User Role that you assign to them, you can also further restrict and grant access in the following ways:

Invoicing - Although you can create multiple invoice profiles (enabling you to invoice for weddings and venue hire differently, or if you have multiple sites, you can invoice differently for each site e.g. different payment terms, bank details, logo, etc.), you can't, however, restrict user's access to just creating and viewing invoices for a specific invoice profile only.  (Users either have access to the invoicing screens within their user role or they don't).
Bank Deposits - to allow users to enter and view bank deposits for all bank accounts, you can assign this within their User Role

However, you can alternatively choose not to give this permission, and instead, within the Bank Settings screen, assign a user access to view and enter bank deposits for specific bank accounts. 

Note: you can also hide donor names from displaying for all users and show donor envelope/reference numbers instead. This option can be set within the System Settings screen.
Purchases - access to this screen is set within a User's role. However, within their user profile, you can also restrict which purchase types they can enter (e.g. expenses, mileage claims, invoices, etc.), AND whether or not they can submit on behalf of other users (Privileged). In addition, you can also restrict which funds/categories they have access to submit purchases against.
Note: you can hide some of the purchase types (e.g. Gift Request) for all users within the system settings screen.

Note: Only users with the role of Finance Team can edit expenditure transactions (non-finance team users can edit their own purchases up until the point of receipt check).

Receipts - any users with this permission in their user role will be able to see this screen. There are no further options to restrict access, however, automatically only users with the role of Finance Team can authorise lost receipts (all other users can't do this).
Approvals - the User Role permission for approvals enables users the ability to approve purchases on other budget holders' behalf (except if it is one of their own purchases when they can't). Most users who have access to the approval screen  won't have this role permission. Instead, they will be able to view and approve purchases assigned to the categories they are the category approver of in the category settings screen (and this happens automatically).

Note: you can turn this whole module off for all users within the system settings screen if you wish to do so (however, we wouldn't usually recommend this).
Payments -  you can assign users to have access to the payments screen for all bank accounts within their User Role. You can alternatively choose not to give this permission in a user's role, and instead within the  Bank Settings screen, assign a user access to view payments for specific bank accounts.

Note: if you do make payments for specific funds from different specific bank accounts (most organisations don't), then you should set 'cross fund payment grouping' to 'disabled' within the systems settings screen and you set a 'default payment bank account' for each fund within the fund settings screen.

Bank Reconciliation - to allow users to have access to the bank reconciliation screen for all bank accounts, you can assign this within their User Role. However, you can actively choose not to give this permission in a users role, and instead within the Bank Settings screen just assign a user access to the bank reconciliation screens just for specific bank accounts.

Petty Cash - to allow users to have access to all petty cash accounts, you can assign this within their User Role. However, you can alternatively choose not to give this permission in a users role, and instead within the Bank Settings screen just assign a user access to the petty cash screen just for specific petty cash accounts.

Adjustments - any users with this permission in their User Role will be able to see this screen. There are no further options to restrict access currently.

Investments - any users with this permission in their User Role will be able to see this screen. There are no further options to restrict access currently.

Fixed Assets  - any users with this permission in their user role will be able to see this screen. There are no further options to restrict access currently but the ability to submit a purchase as a Fixed Asset Purchase is set in the individual User Settings screen

Financial Reports - access to view finance reports can be set for each individual report within their User Role, except for the 'Income & Expenditure Summary (by Fund)' report where permission is set by category, enabling you to provide each user with a bespoke customised report. The report is always up to date, can be viewed from anywhere, and you can even control whether or not they can drill in to see more details (which again you can determine by category).

The 'Balance Sheet' Report automatically allows users who have access to this report to see any funds that they have permission to view at least one category for. E.g. if a user has no access to view any categories in a particular fund, then they won't see that fund on the Balance Sheet Report (and they also won't also have the 'view all' funds option available either).

For the 'Income & Expenditure Summary (by project)' report permission, you can alternatively choose not to give this permission in a user's role, and instead within the Project Settings screen just assign a user access to the specific projects you want them to see.

Furthermore, you can hide donor names from displaying for all users on your financial reports (except for the 'all transaction' reports) and show donor envelope/reference numbers instead. This option can be set within the system settings screen.

Manage Donors - any users with this permission in their user role will be able to see this screen. There are no further options to restrict access currently.

Gift Aid - any users with this permission in their user role will be able to see this screen. There are no further options to restrict access currently. Gift Aid is however broken down by fund, making it possible to manage separately for different funds.

ChurchSuite Export - any users with this permission in their user role will be able to see this screen. There are no further options to restrict access currently. 

Donation Reports - access to view donation reports can be set for each individual report within a user's role. There are no further options to restrict access currently, however you can hide donor names from displaying for all users on your donation reports and show donor envelope/reference numbers instead. This option can be set within the system settings screen.

Manage Settings - access to the various settings screens is set by screen within a user's role permissions. There are no further options to restrict access currently. 

Note: users with access to the User Settings screen can't alter their own role permissions.

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