Donor Mailmerge Data

The Donor Mailmerge Data report within ExpensePlus enables you to download donor data in spreadsheet format. You can then use this spreadsheet as an efficient way to send customised emails and letters and/or create labels or envelopes. 

You may wish to use this together with sending a donor statement, which can be generated via the Generate Donor Statements report in ExpensePlus.

Note: Other donor data (which isn't included within the Donor Mailmerge Data report) can be downloaded from within the Manage Donor Screen by selecting the 'view' and then downloading to .csv

Donor Mailmerge Data report

The Donor Mailmerge Data report is found within the donation reports menu.

You can filter donors that appear in the Donor Mailmerge Data export Donor Tag. 

The mailmerge data includes the total donation amount and the Gift Aid amount a donor has given between the dates you specify at the top of the screen. 

If you wish for this amount to only include donations for a particular fund(s) or donation method(s) then you can also set a filter for this at the top of the page.

Once you are happy with the data selected, click the 'download to .csv' button at the bottom of the screen (Note: although this screen is paginated ALL data will download).

Creating customised emails and letters and/or labels or envelopes

Once you have downloaded the data, you will be able to use it in whichever application you prefer to create customised donor emails, letters, labels or envelopes.

  • For creating letters or envelopes, you may wish to use the mailmerge feature in an app such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs.
  • For sending emails, you might choose an app such as Mailchimp.
  • For printing labels, you might want to use an app such as Avery that allows you to either print using your own printer (YouPrint) or send it to be printed (WePrint).

To better understand the Manage Donors module, please view the module overview here.

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