Gift Aid
- How do I add / edit / cancel a Gift Aid declaration?
- Which donations are included in Gift Aid claims?
- How do I record and claim GASDS within ExpensePlus?
- How to submit a GASDS claims manually via the HMRC portal?
- How do I create a Gift Aid Claim?
- Gift Aid Settings
- Can I still submit Gift Aid claims manually via the HMRC portal?
- How do I allocate Gift Aid Income from HMRC?
- How do I make a Gift Aid adjustment?
- How do I allocate donation Income within ExpensePlus?
- Can I export data from ExpensePlus?
- Do I need to upload Gift Aid declarations to ExpensePlus?
- Can I undo / delete a Gift Aid claim that I've made?
- How to exclude a donation when creating a Gift Aid claim
- Does ExpensePlus support donations from couples?
- How do I correct an invalid postcode in a Gift Aid claim?
- How do I know if a donor has a valid Gift Aid declaration?
- How do I claim Gift Aid on donations given via ChurchSuite Donate/GiveALittle?
- What is the GASDS Community Building Scheme?
- Can I create a Gift Aid claim manually?